High Performing Teams - HIVE Partners
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Working in teams is critical to deliver results, particularly in today’s environment of rapid change

Every team has its own unique dynamic, and that dynamic is critical to the culture and performance of your organization. We provide the tools that enable individuals and teams to work together productively and increase success. Hive Partners follows a six-step process to realign your team.

High Performance Process Steps

1. ANALYSIS: Harnessing Collective Intelligence to Develop a Comprehensive Situational Analysis

2. ALIGN: Bring Findings to the Leadership Team to Create Alignment on What is Most Important

3. CULTIVATE: Developing a Shared Definition of Success Owned by All

4. IDENTIFY: Improving or Amplifying Key Behaviors Needed to Succeed

5. TOOLS: Identifying and Providing the Team with the Tools and Skillset Needed

6. REINFORCE: Creating Sustainable Success through Re-educate, Reward and Refinement.

When people are not aligned, the team cannot effectively make strides toward the achievement of both short and long-term goals. Misalignment often manifests itself in the following ways:

  • The team doesn’t know or understand the goals it is working toward
  • The team is focused on too many disparate goals
  • Communication between senior-level leaders and the teams they manage is weak or often non-existent
  • The team lacks the tools or skillset required to achieve the goal

High performing teams find the right balance between people and process. Hive Partners starts by looking at nine critical attributes required to navigate the distinct challenges of high performance. In doing so, we are able to address all possible sources of misalignment while actively working to correct and improve the team dynamic.

High Performance Process Hexagon Icon
Is there misalignment within your team? Start by taking out HIVE Performance and Transformation Assessment to uncover opportunities to transform the performance of your team.